26 apr. 2015

SSFGFC Stockholm, April 2015

What would people do if Christmas came twice a year? Maybe they would get confused and forget how to celebrate. It feels like that's what happened when The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game & Film Convention, usually held in November or December, decided do to an extra con this weekend.

A lot of friends and familiar faces, but it didn't have the usual energy. Maybe cosplayers had their planning thrown and nothing to wear. Maybe families rather spend their days outside in sun now that spring is finally here.

Whatever the reason, I hope this won't stop the con coming back in the fall and that the fans will be there then to show their support for this unique celebration of all things nerdy and fun.

And here are pictures—

First look.

Grand Admiral Thrawn cosplay by Lundkvists Logement.

Size matters not.


If dad dresses like one of your troopers, treat him like one of your troopers.

The con can add "books" to their name.

Nordic Garrison had some time to play around.

Cosplay made easy.

Flash! Bang!

The show's cosplay competition champions.

Move along.

19 apr. 2015

Stockholm photowalk, week 16

I'm working on Södermalm now, new places to discover on after-work photowalks.